Who We Are

The CAC is a volunteer group of city-appointed Cranston residents, who are inspired by and in service of the community. 

We partner with artists and local institutions to bring public art, programming and events to our residents.

Meeting Agenda

The CAC meets on the third Monday of every month, at the Artists' Exchange, 50 Rolfe Square, Cranston RI.

To view the most recent agenda, click here!

What We Do

We are committed to making art more accessible to our constituents, by increasing the city's public art offerings and artistically enriching events, such as public lectures and galleries.

The CAC is continually developing its relationship with city officials, public libraries, schools, and local organizations such at The Artists' Exchange. We receive annual funds from the city which are directly reinvested in our programs.

We are always looking to extend our reach and try new ways to engage community members.

Get Involved

We are always looking for ideas from involved Cranston residents like you! 

Please submit your proposals or ideas below.

Submit a proposal here!   

Our Logo

The Cranston Arts Commission logo honors our city bird, the Crane, and is inspired by the seal for the City of Cranston:

Cranston's City Seal, which was taken from the coat of arms of Governor Samuel Cranston, consists of three silver cranes on a red shield with a silver border. The motto DUM VIGILO CURO has been translated as "While I watch I care" (cranstonri.com).  

Our logo adopts the crane motif while incorporating our own spin: the origami crane represents the artistic wealth of the city of Cranston.